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The report Top 100 Latin American Systems Integrators, contains three new chapters: "Sectors and companies facing the COVID-19: Impact on the industry", "Rising prices of freight and cargo, why is it?", "Growth of digital education increased supply and demand for AV "and" Opportunities for expansion for the AV industry in Latin America ".

The first one is deepened on the business environment, the production structure, and performance differences. The chapter "Growth of digital education, increased supply and demand for AV" addresses the prospects and the level of investment country by country for the industry.

In addition, for the first time, other key aspects of the industry are developed in the document. AVI industry, based on the growth of the market during the last year, originated by teleworking and telehealth.  It also analyzes the volatility in the financial markets, external shocks and the new challenges of the external shocks and new growth challenges for the region, inflation expectations for 2020 and 2021, among other data that we delve into in greater depth in order to facilitate decision.

It should be noted that for this year the macroeconomic analysis is maintained, taking into account the economic outlook for the region in 2020 and 2021, in which a 7.7% drop in Latin America's GDP was forecast for 2020, according to the Commission the Economic of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). This scenario improves for 2021 when a growth rate of 5.2% of the world economy is expected.

Therefore, it became extremely important to interpret the impact for the industry on a country-by-country basis, taking into account the perspective of the Integrators that were part of the TOP 100, together with detailed data on the companies in the ranking in 2021 including 20 companies from Mexico 15 from Central America and the Caribbean, 25 from the Andean Region, 20 from Brazil and 20 more from the Southern Cone.

The special report also includes a market study, by sales figures, of the most widely used brands, as well as an, annexed. The special report also includes a market study, by sales figures, of the most widely used brands, as well as information showing the growth in the last two years by a quarter in terms of imports of by quarter in terms of imports in the regions by expenditure component (GDP, personal consumption expenditures (GDP, personal consumption expenditures, private investment, government consumption expenditures, and investment).

In addition, the level of investment and costs are analyzed How is the market for this industry in relation to GDP? How are the fiscal fronts? How can deficits or deflations impact investment? Also, data on capital flows and the risk that capital flows and the risk that financial markets may present within the industry.

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